Silence Serenity Month XII: Pederson, Ramaswani, Centowski

Well hello there! Did winter/spring treat everyone well? I fell off of a stepladder on April Fool’s and broke my ankle. The universe decided I was the joke, or as a coworker put it “You celebrated by being the fool.”

Last time, we looked in on the many, many Baguet branches in the town. And we’re not done! There’s still a few more offshoots that we need to check in on, but the ones this time have their own last names. Or are randomly in the middle like the Ramaswanis.

My apologies in advance for the size of the photos. Apparently something got changed with my settings and they ended up only 400×300. I just went in and fixed that so in about 500 years, we’ll be back to normal-sized shots.

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Silence Serenity Month XII: Pederson, Ramaswani, Centowski